California’s newest housing law

Here’s CalMatters political reporter Ben Christopher, filling in for Emily one last time, who should be back in your inboxes on Monday. Thanks for reading!

Governor Gavin Newsom has some catching up to do.

The governor returned to California on Thursday after spending three days in New York touting his administration’s accomplishments on climate policy and hurling new insults at his critics and political opponents. On his desk: a stack of about 650 bills awaiting signature or veto before a constitutional deadline of one week from today.

Among the bills he signed almost immediately: A proposal to ban cities from requiring new developments near public transit to set aside spaces specifically for parking.

For supporters of the bill, authored by Assemblywoman Laura Friedman, a Democrat from Burbank, it was a fitting conclusion to the governor’s week of climate advocacy. Proponents argue the measure will allow for denser, less car-dependent homes and businesses, while reducing the price of building them.

But like any bill that touches on housing policy, local control, or car culture — or in this case all three — the debate has drawn strange coalitions on both sides.

Friedman’s bill is not the most monumental housing proposal in recent California memory. But that’s part of a distinct trend as the housing affordability crisis gets more attention. This year, the governor also signed a bill allowing the conversion of empty storefronts into apartments. Last year, Newsom gave the go-ahead for duplexes to be built in most neighborhoods across the state. This followed a series of new laws making it easier for owners to build granny flats.

No wonder some YIMBYs are declaring some sort of tentative victory. In California politics, being pro-housing now seems to be the dominant position.

Keep tabs on the controversial and consequential legislation Newsom has signed so far — and the measures he has yet to decide — with CalMatters’ 2022 bill tracker.

The toll of the coronavirus: On Thursday, California had 10,384,673 confirmed cases (+0.3% compared to the previous day) and 95,009 deaths (+0.3% compared to the previous day), according to data from the Status now updates only twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. CalMatters also tracks coronavirus hospitalizations by county.

California has administered 80,646,485 doses of vaccine and 72.1% of eligible Californians are fully vaccinated.

Other Stories You Should Know

1 Valadao stands out

U.S. Representative David Valadao, the South Central Valley Republican, has been in sparse political company for the past two years.

This week, Valadao again found itself the outlier. On Wednesday, the United States House passed the Presidential Election Reform Act, a bill introduced by San Jose Democratic Representative Zoe Lofgren and primary election loser Republican Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney, to prevent a repeat of efforts to cancel the 2020 presidential election.

Nine Republicans broke with their party to support the bill, including eight of the 10 Republicans to vote for impeachment. The two “no” votes out of those 10 were – you guessed it – Valadao and Newhouse.

I contacted the Valadao campaign to find out what their problem was with the bill, but got no response.

2022 Election

Latest coverage of the 2022 California general election

2 California, unmasked

Today, California is easing another public health restriction in place since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In parts of the state with low levels of community transmission, jails and jails, homeless and emergency shelters and cooling centers are now all mask-optional places, according to the new guidance from state public health regulators.

For what it’s worth: The state is also reversing its “strong recommendation” that everyone wear masks when in indoor public places unless community spread is high. In easing, the California Department of Public Health is following the lead of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

On Thursday, Los Angeles County announced it was following the state. Angelenos will no longer be required to cover their noses and mouths when taking public transport or navigating through bus stations and airports. This marks the last public transit mask mandate anywhere in California. Throughout the pandemic, Los Angeles has adopted some of the most stringent COVID prevention measures in the state.

With all the new changes, one could be forgiven for taking President Joe Biden’s word for it when he called the pandemic “over” on Sunday.

Not quite: While things are certainly looking up, according to the most recent COVID data released by the state, 181 Californians with COVID-19 have died so far this month.

Another alert: The Department of Public Health sent a letter to school principals on Thursday warning them about ‘rainbow fentanyl’ – pills, powders and other trainers of the powerful opioid that traffickers infuse brightly colored dyes into an apparent effort to attract young people.

The trend was first reported by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, although some public health and drug education experts called the message “distracting.”

3 Crown jewel or damaged goods?

From CalMatters higher education writer Mikhail Zinshteyn: UC Berkeley may be synonymous with excellence in public education, but it’s also woefully underfunded and falling apart.

Chancellor Carol Christ on Thursday painted a bleak picture for the UC board of trustees of a campus plagued by sewage leaks, seismically unstable university buildings and declining financial support from the State which led to many more students per faculty.

The campus’ prime location overlooking a photogenic bay and the San Francisco skyline is also a curse: it sits on the Hayward Fault Line. UC Berkeley must repair or replace 180 buildings at a cost of $8.5 billion by 2030 to meet earthquake safety standards.

There are other installation issues. The Mulford Hall campus building has issues with flooding “at least once a month”, which often includes “sewage from the upstairs bathroom”, according to testimony read by Christ.

And while the campus is on the verge of hitting a $6 billion fundraising goal, donors are less enthusiastic about supporting seismic retrofit, Christ said. The campus scrounges up $30 million a year to spend on building maintenance, but the problem is vast: UC Berkeley accounts for 40% of UC’s deferred maintenance needs, in part because the campus is the oldest of the system.

The push to repair or replace its building stock comes at a time when state lawmakers and the UC system are pushing the campus to enroll even more students. But the campus has the lowest share of student dorm beds of any UC, and recent construction efforts have been met with lawsuits in the neighborhood. The Bay Area housing crisis has made the campus particularly unaffordable, Christ said, driving out economically challenged students. The proportion of students considered low-income has fallen from 33% to 27% over the past decade.

Although state support for UC Berkeley has increased in recent years, the campus receives 38% less per student than in 1990. Christ said state support and tuition do not cover not entirely the cost of educating UC Berkeley students.

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SB 330 prohibits local jurisdictions from enacting new laws that would have the effect of reducing the legal limit on new housing within their borders, or delaying new housing through administrative barriers or other regulations.

What does SB9 mean for California?

What is SB9? SB9, also known as the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act, is a state bill that requires cities to allow an additional residential unit on parcels zoned for individual housing.

What does SB 9 allow? SB 9 prevents profiteers from evicting or displacing tenants by excluding properties where a tenant has resided within the last three years. Sets a maximum number of units. Recent amendments specify that this bill would allow no more than four units on what is currently a single-family plot.

Who benefits from SB9?

Who is SB 9 for and who can benefit from it? The California HOME Act is primarily intended for owners of properties located in single family residential areas and urban neighborhoods.

Why was SB9 created?

Through SB9, the state intends to increase the viability of middle-income housing by increasing density while protecting tenants and historic properties.

Does SB9 require owner occupancy?

SB 9 requires owner occupancy for all subdivisions; cities cannot impose additional owner occupancy requirements on lot splits.

Does SB9 require owner occupancy?

SB 9 requires owner occupancy for all subdivisions; cities cannot impose additional owner occupancy requirements on lot splits.

Does SB9 require parking?

One (1) off-street parking space will be required per unit. However, no parking is required if the lot is located within a half-mile walk of a “high quality transit corridor” or “major transit stop”, such as as defined by California Sections 21155 and 21064.3. Public Resources Code.

What does SB 9 say?

SB 9 would legalize this middle-income housing by adopting best practices from housing experts at the University of California, Los Angeles. It will also help California respond to historic job loss in the construction sector and a 45% decline in home construction due to COVID-19.

What is California’s SB9?

Law. On September 16, 2021, the State of California passed Senate Bill 9 which aims to streamline housing permits and increase density to create more inclusive and vibrant neighborhoods across the state.

What does California SB9 mean?

SB 9. California has a severe shortage of middle-income housing or small multi-family housing developments (less than 10 homes) close to jobs and public transportation; the lack of such housing results in the displacement and heavy rent burden of Californians across the state.

What is California SB9 and sb10?

Under SB 10, entire houses can be demolished to create 10-unit apartment buildings, while under SB 9, owners cannot demolish more than 25% of the exterior walls of the existing structure.

How do I apply for a SB 9?

Application process via CA SB 9


What is SB 9 California? Law. On September 16, 2021, the State of California passed Senate Bill 9 which aims to streamline housing permits and increase density to create more inclusive and vibrant neighborhoods across the state.

Who benefits from sb9?

Who is SB 9 for and who can benefit from it? The California HOME Act is primarily intended for owners of properties located in single family residential areas and urban neighborhoods.

Does SB9 require owner occupancy?

SB 9 requires owner occupancy for all subdivisions; cities cannot impose additional owner occupancy requirements on lot splits.

Why was SB9 created?

Through SB9, the state intends to increase the viability of middle-income housing by increasing density while protecting tenants and historic properties.

What is the purpose of SB 9?

Senate Bill 9 (SB 9), the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act, is a California state law that aims to alleviate the housing crisis facing California cities in proposing new ways to increase housing supply and diversify housing types. available.

Has SB 9 passed?

As of January 1, 2022, SB 9, known as the “California HOME Act”, is in effect throughout the state of California. The law allows homeowners to build two 800-square-foot homes on their land or split their land in half for a total of four homes on a formerly single-family lot.

Is SB 9 approved?

What is SB9? On September 16, 2021, the Governor signed Senate Bill (SB) 9 (Atkins), which adds Section 65852.21 to the Government Code to require a ministerial review process for qualifying development of up to two housing units. principals on a plot in a single family residential area.

Has SB 9 passed?

As of January 1, 2022, SB 9, known as the “California HOME Act”, is in effect throughout the state of California. The law allows homeowners to build two 800-square-foot homes on their land or split their land in half for a total of four homes on a formerly single-family lot.

What is the new housing law in California?

As of January 1, 2022, SB 9, known as the “California HOME Act”, is in effect throughout the state of California. The law allows homeowners to build two 800-square-foot homes on their land or split their land in half for a total of four homes on a formerly single-family lot.

What is the California SB 8? The Housing Crisis Act of 2019, as amended by SB 8 (California Government Code Section 66300 and following), prohibits the approval of any proposed housing development (âProjectâ) on a site (âPropertyâ ) that will require the demolition of ‘existing housing units or occupied or vacant sheltered units, unless the project …

What is SB 10 California?

SB 10 allows a maximum of ten units to be built per property, while SB 9 caps development at four. SB 9 requires cities to employ a ministerial rather than discretionary approval process for all proposed projects, while SB 10 leaves it up to each city to decide which approach it wishes to take.

What is Senate bill 10 California?

California Senate Bill (SB) 10, recently signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, provides that local agencies can pass an ordinance authorizing up to 10 housing units on any parcel, at a specified height in the ordinance, if the parcel is in a transit-rich area or urban fill site.

What are SB 9 and SB 10?

The bills, known as Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) and Senate Bill 10 (SB 10), legalized duplexes and quadplexes in areas that were previously reserved for single-family dwellings .

Who benefits from SB9?

Who is SB 9 for and who can benefit from it? The California HOME Act is primarily intended for owners of properties located in single family residential areas and urban neighborhoods.

Why was SB9 created?

Through SB9, the state intends to increase the viability of middle-income housing by increasing density while protecting tenants and historic properties.

Does SB9 require owner occupancy?

SB 9 requires owner occupancy for all subdivisions; cities cannot impose additional owner occupancy requirements on lot splits.

What is the new law on housing in California?

As of January 1, 2022, SB 9, known as the “California HOME Act”, is in effect throughout the state of California. The law allows homeowners to build two 800-square-foot homes on their land or split their land in half for a total of four homes on a formerly single-family lot.

When was SB 9 adopted? On September 16, California Governor Gavin Newsom passed three state bills aimed at addressing the housing crisis and zoning regulations.

What does SB 9 mean?

SB9, also known as the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act, is a state bill that requires cities to allow an additional residential unit on parcels zoned for individual housing.

What are SB 9 and SB 10?

The bills, known as Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) and Senate Bill 10 (SB 10), legalized duplexes and quadplexes in areas that were previously reserved for single-family dwellings .

Is SB 9 approved?

What is SB9? On September 16, 2021, the Governor signed Senate Bill (SB) 9 (Atkins), which adds Section 65852.21 to the Government Code to require a ministerial review process for qualifying development of up to two housing units. principals on a plot in a single family residential area.

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