Finally, some good California gas price news (really!)

THE BUZZ— OIL OPTICS: California is on track to see gasoline prices drop in the coming weeks, even as the world’s leading oil producers announced plans yesterday to reduce production by 2 million barrels per day.

Not much of California is protected from the effect of OPEC, but the factors that cause the high price of gas in the state in the first place should be calmed in the near future. California’s supply has been squeezed in the past month due, in part, to six oil refineries undergoing maintenance. But experts and analysts say the state’s $6.43 per gallon average may be too high, as factories come back online, much of the supply being imported. and California to make an early transition to winter gasoline blends.

“I think, by next week, we’ll probably be down about 50 cents a gallon… I think it’s going to turn around pretty quickly,” he said. said Severin Borenstein, faculty director of the UC Berkeley Energy Institute at Haas. Another analyst, Patrick De Haan, noted that California prices fell to $1.25 per gallon on Wednesday, a sign of lower prices at the pump.

With that price drop on the horizon, California drivers may not notice an increase from OPEC’s decision, Borenstein said, which could take weeks to show up at gas stations. . The California Energy Commission said Wednesday that OPEC’s decision is equivalent to about a 1 percent supply cut, and is expected to have a “significant impact on the price of gasoline in California. “

However, concerns about what (or, perhaps, who) is driving the high gas prices continue to be the focus of the political class. Democrats around the country are worried about how it will affect their chances in the middle class, and California Republicans are using high prices as a line of attack. results in field races.

Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom asked the Legislature to pass a tax on oil companies, which he said, they need to give an explanation as to why the price of gas is so high, and they need to be responsible for “helping” customers. Yesterday, his office announced the increase in consumer prices in the month of September despite the drop in fuel prices. The chairman of the California Energy Commission, David Hochschild, also issued a statement on Wednesday saying that the price of California gasoline is not fully explained.

Passing a federal tax bill (which some lawmakers have tried but failed to do this year) would require Newsom to call a special session or wait until January to reconvene the Legislature, which is delayed. more relief.

The prospect of a special session also provides more trouble for Democrats. Passing a tax in an election year could provide more ammunition to their Republican opponents. Then comes the issue of politics – Rep. Robert Rivas (D-Salinas) is vying for Speaker Anthony Rendon’s job, and those forces could make it difficult for Congress. then compile and pass laws under a difficult time.

BUENOS DÍAS, good morning Thursday. Opponents of Proposition 1, the plan to strengthen abortion rights in the California Constitution, are expected to gather at the Capitol this morning. Speaking of conservative causes, Republican donors are gathering in Orange County tonight for a fundraiser designed to feature NRSC chairman Sen. Rick Scott and US Senators Mehmet Oz and Adam Laxalt.

Program Note: We’re gone this Monday for Independence Day but will be back in your inboxes on Tuesday.

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WORD OF THE DAY: “Let’s be clear: Selling drugs is illegal. The use of drugs outside is absolutely unacceptable.” The mayor of San Francisco London Breed has again pledged to stop the use of drugs and sales on Wednesday, through the Associated Press.

WHERE IS GAVIN? In San Francisco and other leaders of the West Coast to sign a climate agreement.

– “For Pelosi and McCarthy, a sour relationship is even worse when it comes to the election,” the New York Times’ Annie Karni: “The relationship between Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the man He is more likely to be replaced if the Republicans win control of the House. Next month’s election will be less public.”

— “The bodies of the kidnapped Merced County family have been found. ‘Our worst fears have been confirmed,’” by the Merced Sun-Star: “Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke confirmed Wednesday night that the bodies of four family members who were kidnapped were found. “

PROP PREP – “Addiction experts fear fallout if California voters approve legalization of recreational drugs,” by the Los Angeles Times’ Mark Kreidler: “Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in 2018 states can legalize sports betting, California – with 40 million people and many professional teams – has become a great white whale, fleeing gambling companies and community organizations’ u host casinos.”

— “Candidate’s financial history under scrutiny in California governor’s race,” by Los Angeles Times’ Taryn Luna: “The only Democrat in the November race for governor of California is facing investigations into the recent suspension of a business license and suspension of its San. Francisco condo more than ten years ago.

BUYING IN THE SQUARE – “Healthcare workers’ unions are using ballot measures to address low wages amid labor shortages,” by CalMatters’ Ana B. Ibarra: “The The largest union of health care workers in California is not new to taking its fights to the polls – both statewide and local. In the past five years, voters have been shown information on issues range from staffing at dialysis clinics to cost overruns for health care providers.

— “Mike Garcia is fighting to keep his seat in Congress as Christy Smith looks for a winning message,” by the Los Angeles Daily News’ Marianne Love: “The third time could be a charm for the Democrats challenger Christy Smith in the upcoming US Congressional District 27. race against Rep. Mike Garcia, R-Santa Clarita.”

RECALL BUZZ — “The group has begun recalling Sacramento councilman Loloee, saying he doesn’t live in the district,” by the Sacramento Bee’s Theresa Clift: “The city conducted an investigation into Loloee’s location in early July when the Sacramento Bee reported that the other family was alive. at the house where Loloee is registered to vote and the neighbors of the property say they have not seen the politician.”

HISTORY LESSON — “Republicans can outdo controversial House speakers,” Opines Dan Walters for CalMatters: “An ambitious state Assembly member has declared he has enough votes to become and spokesmen and the MP wants to resign. The current speaker refuses and the contestants are spending months trying to get enough of their elected supporters to resolve the dispute.

– “Racial impact on health care in California,” by Axios’ Sabrina Moreno: “Nearly one-third of Black Californians reported experiencing unfair treatment in health care because of their race, according to a report from the California Health Care Foundation.”

SALTON SEA — “As the Salton Sea continues to face environmental degradation, a plan to save the sea’s waters has been rejected,” said the Los Angeles Times’ Ian James: “E by diverting the sea to the desert, they say, California can keep its sea level. largest lake from decreasing and increasing salinity and able to restore its ecosystem that was thriving.”

— “Alex Villanueva’s Unlikely Rise To Power — 7 Takeaways From Our New Podcast About The Sheriff,” by LAist’s Francisco Aviles Pino: “LAist Studios’ new podcast, Imperfect Paradise: The Sheriff, charts Villanueva’s unlikely rise to power and its controversial status. “

BOAT POLICY — “Meet the California farmers who have been swept away by the Colorado River, even by a drought,” by NPR’s Dan Charles: “A few hundred farms in southern California, in on the border of Mexico, may hold the key to save the drought. – affected the Colorado River from the fall.”

— “California’s new law wants to help the state’s minority workers get promoted. Here’s how it works,” by the Sacramento Bee’s Wes Venteicher: “A controversial bill aimed at expanding coverage for minorities and women in California state government was killed with a few provisions in the when the last signed by the Gov. Gavin Newsom. month.”

POTUS POLLING: President Joe Biden’s approval rating among Californians has increased slightly since early August, according to a new poll released yesterday from the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies . Fifty-two percent of California voters now approve of his job overall, while 43 percent disapprove.

When it comes to the ongoing investigation into former President Donald Trump, 46 percent of California voters think he could face criminal charges — that number, not surprisingly, is great higher among Democrats (61 percent) than Republicans (20 percent). Of all voters, 49 percent think Trump cannot face criminal charges.

– The revival of Biden’s Operation Warp Speed​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ by Biden’s top health officials a plan to strengthen the country’s defense against the next infection of the coronavirus. .

FRAUD ON THE RISE – “Zelle fraud is on the rise—and many victims are unable to get refunds,” by Ars Technica’s Ashley Belanger: “By 2021, Zelle has almost double the amount of payments as Venmo, but Zelle’s payments are increasing, as are reports of increased fraud.

— “The criminal investigation of ‘Rust’ will continue, D.A. said, after Alec Baldwin settled the lawsuit with the family of the slain actor,” by the Los Angeles Times’ Summer Lin, Anousha Sakoui and Meg James: “It’s been almost a year since the man was killed film Halyna Hutchins on the set of “Rust” in an event. including a shot of the producer and actor Alec Baldwin in New Mexico, the family of Hutchins and Baldwin has reached a punishment that has not been revealed in a wrongful trial – death.

THE AUDIO & BOOKS — ” ‘This is the sign of the fall’: New S.F. delicious dog restaurant ignites debate,” by the San Francisco Chronicle’s Elena Kadvany.

— “What will happen to the mocker, his composting toilet and two acres of land?” by the New York Times’ Achy Obejas.

— “Nicole Mann Becomes First American Woman in Space,” by The Wall Street Journal’s Joseph Pisani.

— “The ‘floating tower’ for S.F. looks good – but don’t believe what you see,” opined John King for the San Francisco Chronicle’s.

— “Marc Andreessen Compares California to Rome Circa 250 AD,” by Bloomberg’s Lizette Chapman.

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Which state has the most expensive gas?

Which State has the highest gas prices? California has the highest gas prices, averaging $6.43 per gallon of regular gas.

What state has the second highest gas prices? 2nd place for the highest gas prices in the country. Nevada earned the distinction Monday of having the second-highest gas price in the U.S. at just over $5.49 a gallon — a record price nearly 63 cents above the national average.

What place has the highest gas prices?

The price per gallon in US dollars in that country currently stands at $11.35, according to, which tracks average prices around the world. Hong Kong holds the dubious honor of having the most expensive gas station in the world right now.

Where is the highest gas prices in the world?

A price is expensive or cheap depending on your purchasing power. If the price of gasoline in Switzerland seems at first to be “sky high,” it is not true when compared to the high level of wealth in the country. Hong Kong has the highest price in the world (US$2.98 per liter, US$11.28 per gallon).

What city has most expensive gas?

Mendocino, California, takes the cake for having the most expensive gas in the United States, coming in at $9.60 a gallon.

What state has the most expensive gas 2022?

On September 7, 2022, the price of regular gasoline in Hawaii increased by 5.3 US dollars per gallon. U.S. gas prices rose significantly due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Quel est le prix de l’essence en 2022 ?

Les prix des carburants poursuivent leur baisse, indique le ministère de la Transition écologique dans un nouveau bilan hebdomadaire, ce mardi 16 août 2022. Le prix moyen du liter de SP95-E10 at least 5,8 centimes d’euros par semaine précédence, s’établissant ainsi à 1,736 â¬.

Où l’essence est moins cher en Europe ?

The members of the Commission on June 27, the day of Hongrie (1,22), Malta (1,34), Slovenia (1,61), Pologne (1). ,66), from Bulgaria (1.71), from Romania (1.73), from Cyprus (1.82), from Croatia (1.85), from Luxembourg (1.9), from Slovakia (1,91), de l’Allemagne (1,93), …

Why gas in California is so expensive?

California’s retail gasoline prices were driven by two problems: refinery shutdowns and California’s environmental laws, which require special gas blends.

Why is California gas the most expensive?

One of the biggest factors affecting the high cost of property taxes is the state of California. Data from the American Petroleum Institute show that Californians pay more than 68 cents per gallon between the state excise tax and other federal fees and taxes. state, more than any other state.

Does California have the highest gas prices in the US?

A map of the United States showing the highest gas prices by state. California has the highest rates and Missouri has the lowest. Information as of June 30, 2022.

Why is California gas 2022 so expensive?

Experts say factors to blame for California’s high gas prices — now more than $5 a gallon — include problems at factories that supply the state as well as high taxes. , more regulations and similar issues around the world are taking over the entire US. market.

Why are gas prices so high in California right now? Why are gas prices so high? Officials blame California’s high prices on planned and unplanned refinery upgrades, which slow down oil production.

What state has the most expensive gas in 2022?

On September 7, 2022, the price of regular gasoline in Hawaii increased by 5.3 US dollars per gallon. U.S. gas prices rose significantly due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

What country has cheapest gas?

You may be surprised to see how expensive it is to drive in some countries, and how cheap it is in others…. Cheapest Gas Prices by Country in 2022

  • Iran. …
  • Algeria. …
  • Kuwait. …
  • Angola. …
  • Turkmenistan. …
  • Nigeria. …
  • Kazakhstan. …
  • Malaysia. Malaysia rounds out our top 10 with a price of $1.72 per gallon.

How much is gas in Russia in US dollars?

CountryPrice from May 30 in USD per gallon
Saudi Arabia$2.35
Sierra Leone$4.34

Why are gas prices climbing again?

The demand for gasoline is increasing, and the world supply is set to be limited after the OPEC decision, which means higher prices. And while the rise in prices in the past week has been relatively slow and steady, the reduction in oil production worldwide could indicate a faster and more dramatic rise.

Why did gas prices go up?

The prices are going up for a variety of reasons: a fire in the Midwest, signs from the OPEC consortium that plans to reduce production when it meets this week, the maintenance of buildings on the West Coast that pushing stocks down to record lows. .

Who controls the gas price?

Five Fast Facts About US Gasoline Prices. Oil prices are market driven by supply and demand, not individual companies, and the price of crude oil is the primary determinant of price. we pay at the pump.

Why is gas becoming so expensive?

The second factor pushing up prices is the cost of refining crude oil. Costs are also rising: Refineries have closed in the past few years, outpacing new refineries being built. And while refinery capacity is increasing, most US refineries are operating at nearly full capacity.

Why is gas so expensive in 2022?

In 2022, US demand for crude oil and gasoline began to return to pre-pandemic levels, but production is not keeping pace. OPEC countries such as Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela are gradually increasing the sale of oil that was severely limited at the height of the epidemic.

Why is gas increasing?

Why do gas prices keep going up? Many factors have led to the current situation, including increased demand for gasoline, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the emergency situation caused by the virus.

What was the price of oil per barrel in 2022?

Weekly oil prices for Brent, OPEC basket, and WTI futures 2020-2022. On September 26, 2022, the price of Brent oil stood at 84.06 US dollars per barrel, compared to 76.71 US dollars for WTI oil and 89.5 for the OPEC basket.

What is the highest price of oil per barrel? Historically, crude oil reached a high of 147.27 in July 2008. Crude oil – data, history, historical charts – updated in October it’s 2022.

How much did a barrel of oil cost in 2021?

In 2021, the annual average price is 70.68 US dollars per barrel.

What was the price of a barrel of oil in 2020?

WTI ended 2020 at $49 per barrel, while Brent crude ended the year at $51 per barrel.

What was the price of a barrel of oil in July of 2021?

September 30, 202172.80
August 31, 202168.87
July 31, 202173.28
June 30, 202171.80

What was the price of oil 1 year ago?

Battle from last month95.97
Value from 1 Year ago72.80
Change from 1 Year ago21.18%
Multiply itEvery month
GroupUSD per barrel

What was the oil price in 2020?

WTI ended 2020 at $49 per barrel, while Brent crude ended the year at $51 per barrel.

What was the price of a barrel of oil 2022?

The price of oil is shown adjusted for inflation using the headline CPI and is shown by default on a logarithmic scale. The current month is updated hourly with today’s latest price. The price of WTI oil on 05 October 2022 is $87.98 per barrel.

What was the price of oil in Feb 2022?

In February 2022, the price of Brent crude is $97.13 per barrel, while the price will be $86.51 dollars per barrel in January 2022. In the last twelve months the price has increased by 55.96%.

How much is oil per barrel today?

Live interactive chart of West Texas Intermediate (WTI or NYMEX) crude oil prices per barrel. The current price of WTI oil as of October 06, 2022 is 88.16 per barrel.

Why are West Coast gas prices higher?

Generally, gas prices are higher on the West Coast in part because of the higher state taxes placed on crude oil.

Why is gas so expensive on the West Coast? California always has the highest price for gasoline at the pump, in part because of higher taxes and a more expensive blend of fuels, but the average price is nearly 70% more than most everyone else in the US is a little bit. serious.

Why are gas prices higher in different states?

State taxes and fees are a big reason for change. It can also affect the price you pay at the pump, proximity to refineries and transportation facilities, and even environmental laws such as California’s fuel requirements. clean clean

What affects gas prices in different states?

While location and taxes are the main factors in price differences between states, there are many other factors at play. The high costs of doing business in a state can also contribute to high gas prices, as can the proximity of a pump to gas stations.

Who controls gas prices in USA?

Five Fast Facts About US Gasoline Prices. Oil prices are market driven by supply and demand, not individual companies, and the price of crude oil is the primary determinant of price. we pay at the pump.

Which state has the highest gas prices?

StatePrice last month

What are the cheapest states to buy gas?

According to, which updates gas prices daily, Texas has the cheapest gas prices in the country. The average price of a gallon of natural gas is just $3.761 in Texas.

Who controls gas prices in USA?

Five Fast Facts About US Gasoline Prices. Oil prices are market driven by supply and demand, not individual companies, and the price of crude oil is the primary determinant of price. we pay at the pump.

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