Student test scores: California release raises concern

Instead, state education officials — who initially appeared to be delaying the release of student scores until after the election — divided in a way that would have guaranteed to block expected coverage. be a pandemic-driven sharp decline.

Today Californians get their first statewide look at test scores that measure the pandemic’s toll on students — and the way state education officials have handled the rollout offers plenty of hints that the news won’t be good.

Earlier this fall, the state Department of Education declined a media request to release the scores immediately, saying it would do so by the end of 2022. That prompted speculation that the agency’s head, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, was delay the release until after. The November re-election bid. Eventually the department reversed course and agreed to release the data.

But he did so in a way that warrants a complicated cover. Reporters received the details Sunday morning, under a news embargo until 10 a.m. today. Typically, they use that blackout time to interview district officials and education experts — so releasing test score data when those sources aren’t available hinders reporters’ ability to analyze and contextualize an important measurement on the impact of the pandemic on California public school students.

“I can’t read minds, but it looks like they’re trying to hide the details,” said David Loy, legal director of the First Amendment Coalition. “It’s not uncommon for government at all levels to release data or other news when it’s difficult for the media.”

It’s also probably no coincidence that the state results will be released to the public on the same day that scores on another test, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, are revealed just after midnight on the East Coast. That test, which took a much smaller sample of California students, allows comparisons between each state — and it showed a decline in achievement in each.

But the Gov. Gavin Newsom immediately issued a press release emphasizing the fact that California students did not fare as badly overall as those in most other states. For anyone wondering how various state pandemic policies have affected academic achievement, these national results will be sobering: California has done the same as Florida and Texas, two states that rushed to return to learning personal.

Not so California, where state officials defer to local control. Citing health concerns, schools here have generally continued distance learning long after students in many other states have returned to their classrooms.

Unlike the national test, the California Smart Balance tests are given to nearly all students in grades three through eight and grade eleven each year. They measure whether students have mastered state arts standards in math and English. The scores being released by the state are for the 2021-22 school year, the first year that all students in the designated grades had to take the tests since the beginning of the pandemic.

The California Department of Education, which supports more than 1,000 school districts and charter schools, oversees the administration of the standardized test as well as the release of the Smarter Balanced scores.

“If the superintendent of public instruction is up for re-election in less than three weeks, it looks like they’re trying to bury the details.”

In the past, it has given reporters a day of advance access to test score data, usually on a weekday, before releasing it to the public. Reporters use the time to analyze the data and identify the most outlying districts and schools. In this case, CalMatters tried to contact education officials but most did not return calls because the pre-release happened on Sunday.

The Department of Education hosted a half-hour briefing late Friday to summarize the test score data before releasing it to reporters. But the virtual briefing was just Malia Vella, a deputy superintendent in the department, speaking to her camera from the office. There were no slide presentations during the Zoom conference, and only a short question and answer session. Reporters had to submit their questions in writing in the Zoom chat. The agency provided a text file after the briefing containing summaries of the data.

Earlier this year, the education news site EdSource requested statewide data from the department through a public records request but was denied in September. In its denial, the department stated that it planned to release the data by the end of the year, along with other student data, such as absence and suspension rates.

In response to the denial, EdSource’s lawyer argued that the records existed because local school districts already had their own test score data. The lawyer added that the Department had not identified any public interest in choosing not to disclose the data.

Less than a week later, the department backtracked and agreed to release the scores by the end of October without the additional student data. Some districts, including Los Angeles Unified and San Diego United, have independently released their data to the public.

Thurmond, who has faced backlash for what critics said was a lack of leadership during the pandemic, did not respond to questions about the timing of the release.

But education experts who specialize in standardized testing said there are a range of potential issues that could delay the publication of standardized test data. Li Cai, an education professor at UCLA who specializes in standardized testing, said the end of October is still a reasonable time for the education department to release the data.

“Historically they’re always good, but during the pandemic there are occasional delays and that’s understandable,” Cai said. “I don’t want to dramatize this.”

But Loy of the First Amendment Coalition said the timing is questionable: “If the superintendent of public instruction is up for re-election in less than three weeks, it looks like they’re trying to bury the details,” he said. he.

Thurmond’s challenger, Lance Christensen, was more forthright in his criticism.

“I’m surprised the superintendent can’t take the drop in test scores and say we’ve had a problem in recent years,” Christensen said. “Hiding it and not making the data accessible to the public until just before the election, it’s very cynical and sad.”

Megan Bacigalupi, executive director of parent advocacy group CA Parent Power, said test scores are just one factor that could help voters choose a school board candidate for this election. Parents received their own children’s test scores months ago. But, she said, the complete data at the state level is critical for parents trying to compare schools.

“Parents need to know where their child is academically, and how they are doing,” she said. “But it’s also important to see where your school is compared to your area. That’s the information parents should have.”

How do I practice the Caaspp test?

1 Navigate to 2 Select the Exercise & Training Tests Button. 3 Select the Student Interface Practice Tests and Training button. 4 Select the Sign In button to sign in to the test as a guest.

How difficult is CAASPP? Although it would not be particularly difficult, they would need to have learned these concepts and seen sample problems beforehand in order to answer the questions correctly. There were also subject-specific questions about plate tectonics and meteorology, which would require a background in environmental sciences to answer.

Can you take the CAASPP test at home?

Note: Students taking CAASPP Interim Assessments at home may only do so if authorized and directed by their teacher.

Can I take the CAASPP test online?

Students in grades three through eight and eleven will take the Smarter Summative Assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and math. These assessments are administered online.

Do colleges look at CAASPP testing?

Does CAASPP apply to the college? Participation in CAASPP also has a direct impact on students. It is also a College Readiness Indicator. Students who reach a certain score can skip placement tests or introductory courses for California State University schools or specific community colleges.

How long is the CAASPP practice test?

This test lasts about 2 hours and covers life sciences, physical sciences, and earth and space sciences.

How do you do a CAASPP practice test?

1 Navigate to 2 Select the Practice & Training Tests button. 3 Select the Student Interface Practice Tests and Training button. 4 Select the Sign In button to sign in to the test as a guest.

How long is the CAASPP math test?

As a result, some students may only complete 35 questions, while others may complete up to 50 individual questions. Some students can finish in 60 minutes, while others take 90 minutes or even longer. Since there is no predetermined time limit, some students may even take 3 or 4 hours to complete each test!

How many questions is the CAASPP test?

This is called “Computer Adaptive Testing” because the test is designed to respond to how well the student is doing, and adjust the level of difficulty of the questions accordingly. As a result, some students may only complete 35 questions, while others may complete up to 50 individual questions.

Is the CAASPP hard?

Number one is that the CAASPP is based on the Common Core standards, so it’s a difficult test for students who weren’t raised with Common Core.

How long is the math CAASPP test?

The department says the short version of the combined math and English arts tests will take 4 1/2 hours for grades 3 to 5, 90 minutes less than before; 4 hours, 45 minutes for grades 6 to 8, 75 minutes shorter; and 5 ½ hours for the 11th grade, 2 hours shorter.

What is the point of California state testing?

Aims of the Test Students and their parents can compare individual academic abilities with grade level requirements and with the results of other students in that grade. The goal in California is for all students to perform at the proficient or advanced level.

What if you don’t take a state test in California? How will withdrawing from testing affect my child’s grades or academic standing? Currently, there are no state-mandated consequences for students who do not take the Smarter Balanced Assessments or other state-mandated tests.

Why is state testing so important?

Statewide testing is important because it helps ensure that all public school students receive a quality education, regardless of where they go to school, because they are measured on the same standards.

Why is standardized testing so important?

A standardized test is any type of test in which all test takers must face the same questions or the same subset of questions from a pool. Standardized testing creates a baseline for measuring student performance across districts, keeps teachers accountable, and helps educators develop their curriculum.

What are the pros of standardized testing?

Advantages of Standardized Testing

  • They Help You Track Your Educational Progress. …
  • They help you Identify Areas for Improvement. …
  • They Hold Schools Accountable. …
  • Standardized tests are consistent and uniform. …
  • Standardized Tests Are Effective. …
  • They allow you to compare Students. …
  • They are clear and unambiguous. …
  • They Can Motivate Students.

Does State testing affect your grade in California?

Performance on Fair Smart tests does not affect a student’s grade in school. Individual student test results are only available to parents/guardians and can be obtained from the school or school district.

Does state testing matter in California?

Why are the tests important? Although California does not mandate that schools use test results to make promotion or grade retention decisions, individual schools may take STAR performance into account when making such decisions.

Does the CAASPP test affect my grade?

It provides an opportunity to measure each student’s skills against academic standards. The results will not be used for the purposes of any evaluation grade. Instead, this information helps plan curriculum supports, instruction and resources to support student learning.

Does California State testing matter?

The tests provide students with timely and actionable information so that teachers and schools can adjust and improve instruction. Student participation and performance on state tests directly contributes to the California Panel’s accountability measures of school academic performance.

Is CAASPP testing important?

These assessments provide important information about whether students are on track for college and career by the time they graduate from high school. The tests provide students with timely and actionable information so that teachers and schools can adjust and improve instruction.

Is California state testing important?

The California Standardized Testing and Reporting Program (STAR) measures how well California’s education system and its students are performing. These tests measure pupils’ achievement in: Mathematics.

Does the Caaspp test affect my grade?

Although CAASPP test scores do not appear on students’ transcripts, these tests can influence the classes students are placed in in college in terms of their level of English. â With the CAASPP, for English and mathematics, there is also the EAP which comes down from the state colleges.

How important is the CAASPP test? These assessments provide important information about whether students are on track for college and career by the time they graduate from high school. The tests provide students with timely and actionable information so that teachers and schools can adjust and improve instruction.

What happens if you fail CAASPP?

Students with IEPs in grades three through eight and eleven who cannot take the CAASPP tests even with appropriate accommodations, and whose parents do not have an excuse from the program, may be given an alternate test (See question 2 above), called the California. Alternative Assessment (CAA).

Does CAASPP affect anything?

Does CAASPP apply to the college? Participation in CAASPP also has a direct impact on students. It is also a College Readiness Indicator. Students who reach a certain score can skip placement tests or introductory courses for California State University schools or specific community colleges.

What happens if you don’t pass the CAASPP?

If a student is going to CSU but did not score well enough on the CAASPP or SAT/ACT as shown in the CSU Your Pathway to College Readiness chart, he or she will be required to participate in the CSU Early Start Program during the summer. .

Does the California State Test affect your grade?

Performance on Fair Smart tests does not affect a student’s grade in school. Individual student test results are only available to parents/guardians and can be obtained from the school or school district.

What is CAASPP testing used for?

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is the state’s academic testing program. CAASPP is a system intended to provide information that can be used to monitor student progress and ensure that all students leave high school college and career ready.

What is the point of California state testing?

Program Overview The primary purpose of the CAASPP System is to assist teachers, administrators, students, and parents by promoting quality teaching and learning through the use of a variety of assessment approaches and item types.

Do colleges look at CAASPP testing scores?

â With the CAASPP, for English and mathematics, there is also the EAP which comes down from the state colleges. Some schools might use that for placement when you get into college, so it doesn’t affect admissions at all but it’s for placement when you get admitted,” said Teczon .

Do CAASPP scores matter for college?

Does CAASPP apply to the college? Participation in CAASPP also has a direct impact on students. It is also a College Readiness Indicator. Students who reach a certain score can skip placement tests or introductory courses for California State University schools or specific community colleges.

Do community colleges look at CAASPP?

And because the questions students answer during these tests require them to demonstrate the abilities they will need to succeed in college and the workplace, CAASPP offers high-quality instructional models for schools. California State Universities and many community colleges consider high scores on these tests…

What state ranks lowest in education?

Overall, 89.3% of Americans over the age of 25 graduated from high school in 2021, with the highest rate found in the state of Vermont at 94.5% and the lowest in the state of California at 84.4%. In Puerto Rico, the percentage was even lower, however, at 79.6%.

Which state is ranked 50th in education?

Which US state is #1 in education?

1. Massachusetts. Massachusetts has the best public school system in the US. 48.8% of eligible Massachusetts schools are in the top 25% of high school rankings, a total of 167 schools. Massachusetts has the highest math and reading test scores in the United States and the second highest median ACT score of 25.1.

What state ranks highest for education?

1. Massachusetts. Massachusetts is the most educated state in the US, with an overall score of 8.1.

What state ranks lowest for education?

West Virginia is the least educated state in the United States, with an overall score of 23.65. West Virginia ranks Educational Attainment with the lowest shares of people with associate degrees or some college experience and those with Bachelor’s degrees, at 20.6%.